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We are often approached by both our distribution partners and global manufacturers to explore product and market opportunities.

These instances usually occur where there is either:

  • A gap in the market.
  • Or a desire to export to Africa and the Middle East but a lack of market knowledge.

Utilising our experience and skills we can determine the opportunity and whether or not ASL can add value to the supply chain.

Where we can, we form new partnerships with the aim of growth for our distribution partners, manufacturing partners and ASL, using our brand building experience to create new markets.

Where we can’t, we are happy to share our knowledge and offer recommendations.

Case Study: Neutrarust 661

Neutra Rust Logo

In January 2023 we were proud to partner with Neutrarust to bring their incredible rust converter products to market in our region. Invented in the UK, Neutrarust 611 has a long history supplying NATO and the Ministry of Defence.

Having a product which is internationally recognised as the best is a fantastic start, but now it’s our turn to market this and build the brand.

Our process involves selecting distribution channels, identifying markets, and then actively promoting N611 to these markets. This may involve advertising and promotion, training, personal visits, digital marketing etc. Watch this space!

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